Our school uniform is important to us because it is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life.
All pupils must dress according to our Uniform Policy, which reflects our values and reinforces our culture of high expectations, pride in our appearance and academic achievements.
All children have equal access to wearing the academy uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respects other policies such as equality, race relations, sex discrimination and allows for individual sets of circumstances for all groups and individuals.
Ark Academy is a diverse community. We recognise that different cultures prescribe different levels of importance to hairstyles, hair colouring and headwear. The academy’s approach is designed to recognise this, whilst ensuring that there are clear boundaries, and a professional ethos in the academy.
Our 6th form students have more autonomy in what they wear to school than those in the primary and secondary phase but a smart and professional appearance remains important.
It is expected that all pupils will travel to and from the Academy every day in neat, clean uniform/ professional attire, giving the clear message to the public that our pupils take pride in belonging to the Academy. Pupils not in the correct uniform may not be able to attend lessons until the uniform has been corrected. Parents may be contacted to bring the correct items to school or the pupil may be sent home to get changed.
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform supplier is Pullens (formerly known as Jackies), located at 48-50 Church Road, Stanmore, HA7 4AH.
The shop is open Monday - Saturday 9.00-5.30pm.
You can also order via their website: www.uniform4kids.com
Or via telephone: 020 8954 3850
Second-hand items
Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school office. We host regular second-hand uniform sales where good quality items can be picked up for low cost.