Why do we learn core maths?
A core mathematician will develop the necessary skills over time to apply their fundamental knowledge to critically analyse data, interpret algorithms and solve problems that arise in typical ‘real-world’ scenarios. They will develop a big enough skillset to venture on to problems that extend beyond the curriculum. Through constant exposure to a variety of different challenges in lessons, they will start to think about problems by considering different approaches and not just resorting to standard methods learnt in a textbook-taught manner.
Our approach
Given varied levels of experience, the curriculum has been condesed into a 1 year course where student study 4 hours per week which looks to build students knowledge to cover gaps in foundations before starting new content. We (broadly) follow the sequencing in the schemes of work provided by AQA as we believe it is a sensible progression of skills in approximate order of difficulty. More importantly, the resource allows students to take ownership over their learning as they know exactly what is coming up.
We want students to be fully immersed in one topic/enquiry at a time so we wrap the content up into ‘fertile question’ enquiries, each phrased to emphasize the ‘key idea’ behind the maths. These enquiries allow us to connect to bigger themes and ideas, engaging and motivating the students. Enquiries force us to ‘elevate’ what we teach beyond a stream of examples and exercises, ensuring we identify and communicate the big ideas beneath.
We intersperse the delivery of content with low-stakes end of unit ‘Diagnostic Tests’. This allows students to take responsibility for the mastery of content on an on-going basis, reflecting on strengths and weaknesses. The tests also ensure all students practice exam questions in test conditions throughout the year, rather than only in assessment windows.
Head of Department
Mr Waller
Mrs Butler
Year 12
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Can I keep on top of my money? Before we had Google, why did we use envelopes? How can I work for Ipsos Mori? How can maths help you make a point? What are the consequences of alcohol? |
Tax and National Insurance APR and AER Students fiance and loans Estimating calculations |
Sampling methods Stem and leaf diagrams Averages from a list and frequency tables Constructing frequency diagrams (Histograms and Cumulative frequency curves) Box plots Interpreting data from a graph or chart Critical anlaysis to pick apart mis-represented data |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
How do I construct a plan? What is the probability I will make a profit? |
Gantt Charts Network Activity diagrams Group Project Venn Diagrams Probability trees Expected profit/loss |
Revision |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision |
Exams |