In the context of a reduction in top grades nationally, Ark Academy Students have continued to secure topflight destinations and apprenticeships. The hard work of many sixth former has paid off as they celebrate their achievements.

Ky- Mani Shim-Hue achieved grades A*AAA in maths, further maths, physics and economics and is planning to study physics at either Imperial Collge London or Warwick. He has also been awarded a Marshall Wace bursary. Ky-Mani is also head boy and has significantly contributed to the school by leading assemblies and briefings and helping coach younger students’ basketball.

Our head girl Ruth Mowarin gained D*D*D in BTEC extended diploma in business and has been accepted at Exeter. Ruth however wishes to pursue her dream of gaining a degree level apprenticeship over the coming year. Ruth has made a fabulous contribution to Ark Academy life and Ark Schools music.

Amelie White and Ruqiya Dahir are two further Marshall Wace bursary recipients. Amelie who achieved AAB in her A Levels and will study geography at either The London School of Economics or Manchester University. Ruqiya achieved AAB in maths, further maths and economics and has a place to study maths at Kings College London. Ruqiya has been involved in the Imperial STEM futures programme.

London destinations remain popular. At least 5 students have secured places at University College London including: -

Daisie O’Leary ABB who is very pleased to have gained a place to study history.

Likewise, Sapphire Senior-Domas with A*AA grades will study human sciences at UCL, along Nadine Maaz who has secured a place to study philosophy
Zalla Popalzai A*ABB also has a confirmed place to study physics Kings College
A further London gain has been secured by Harleen Kaur A*AAA who has a place at LSE to study .
We are also thrilled that many students with great grades have taken the leap to study outside London.

Shristi Kumar AABC is off to St Andrews to study Geography.

Maksim Kobyashev AAB has a place at Exeter to study Biology.

Ahmed Ahmed ABB has secured a foundation year at Trinity College Oxford to study History.

Icaro Rocha Diana A*AA will be our first student to study classics at Glasgow University.

Magdalene Chintoh BBC is thrilled that she will be off to Nottingham University to study Biotechnology.
We are also delighted with the great destinations our BTEC students have secured including:
Shruti Pancholi D*DD Neuroscience at QMC
Amir El Saghir D*DD Biomedical Science at UCL
Rosly Rebello D*D*D* Marketing at QMC
Rita Halada D*D*D* Business Management at Surrey
Delia Smith (Principal) said “the context this year is so different to gauge against the previous two years, but we are delighted with the great destinations that so many of our students have secured”.