Why do we learn maths?
The aim of our curriculum is twofold; to incite curiosity and excitement about maths in the world around us, and to appropriately prepare students to be independent and successful young adults in society.
Some adults leave secondary school lacking the mathematical confidence to be able to understand the breakdown of their own pay slip, compare quotes like for like or recognise the possible bias behind statistics that are being presented to them. Whilst our curriculum strives to stretch and challenge all students, we also recognise the mathematical needs for those who will not study maths beyond GCSE but will need it to function independently and confidently as adults. To help with this aim, we place a big focus in KS3 on driving up numeracy through a series of Do Now’s throughout the autumn and spring term of each year. We also aim to develop learners’ functional maths through regular exposure of problems that directly relate to everyday living.
Head of Department
Ms Thomas
Mrs Butler
Mr Waller
Our approach
Throughout our curriculum we aim to break any negative preconceptions through the delivery of engaging fertile questions which, where appropriate, give a broad understanding of the applications of maths in real life situations to help make maths more relatable. We aim to develop students curiosity and foster debate and discussion around how and why we can solve problems the way we do as we encourage students to enahnce thier reasoning skills.
Year on year our curriculum is planned and delivered in a spiral manner such that students revisit topics that have been covered in prior years to strengthen thier foundational knowledge before developing the new content. This is in an aim for students to master the content taught.
Finally, our half termly house competitions allow our students to show off what they know and have been taught in a little bit of spirited fun as we look to develop a love of maths in every student we teach.
Ark Academy mathematics aims to equip all pupils with essential skills. Our mastery approach enables pupils to become fluent in mathematical fundamentals as well as reason and problem solve. Students will develop conceptual understanding, recall knowledge rapidly, and apply it accurately. They’ll also learn to break down complex problems into simpler steps and persistently seek solutions using mathematical language
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Early Mathematical Experiences Pattern and Number |
Numbers within 6 Addition and Subtraction within 6 Measures Shape and Sorting |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Numbers within 10 Calendar and time Addition and Subtraction within 10 Grouping and Sharing |
Number Patters within 15 Doubling and Halving Shape and Pattern |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Securing Addition and Subtraction Facts Number patterns within 20 Number patterns beyond 20 |
Money Measures Explorations of Patterns within Number |
Year 1
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Numbers to 10 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Shapes and Patterns |
Numbers to 20 Addition and Subtraction within 20 |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Time Exploring Calculation Strategies within 20 Numbers to 50 |
Addition and Subtraction within 20 Fractions Measures: Length and Mass |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond Addition and Subtraction Money |
Multiplication and Division Measures: Capacity and Volume |
Year 2
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Number within 100 Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers Addition and subtraction Word Problems |
Measures: Length Graphs Multiplication and Division: 2, 5 and 10 |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Time Fractions Addition and Subtraction of 2-digit numbers |
Money Faces, Shapes and Patterns: Lines and turns |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Number within 1000 Measures: Capacity and Volume Measures: Mass |
Exploring Calculation Strategies Exploring Multiplicative Thinking, including 3 and 4 times tables. |
Year 3
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Number Sense and Exploring Calculation Strategies Place Value |
Graphs Addition and Subtraction Measures: Length and Perimeter |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Multiplication and Division Calculating with Multiplication and Division |
Time Fractions |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Angles and Shape Measures |
Applying Multiplicative Thinking Exploring calculation Strategies and Place Value |
Year 4
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Reasoning with large numbers Addition and Subtraction |
Multiplication and Division Discrete and continuous data |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Calculating with Multiplication and Division Fractions |
Time Decimals Measures: Area and Perimeter |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Measure and Money Problems Shape and Symmetry |
Position and Direction Reasoning with Patterns and Sequences 3D Shapes |
Year 5
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Reasoning with Large Whole Integers Integer Addition and Subtraction Line Graphs and Timetables |
Multiplication and Division Perimeter and Area |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Fractions and Decimals Angles |
Fractions and Percentages Transformations |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Converting Units of Measure Calculating with Whole Numbers and Decimals |
2D and 3D shapes Volume Problem Solving |
Year 6
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Integers and Decimals Multiplication and Division Calculation Problems |
Calculation Problems Fractions Missing angles and lengths |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Decimals and Measure Missing Angles and Lengths Co-ordinates and lengths |
Statistics Proportion Problems |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision units | Transition to secondary units |
Some adults leave secondary school lacking the mathematical confidence to be able to understand the breakdown of their own pay slip, compare quotes like for like or recognise the possible bias behind statistics that are being presented to them. Whilst our curriculum strives to stretch and challenge all students, we also recognise the mathematical needs for those who will not study maths beyond GCSE but will need it to function independently and confidently as adults. To help with this aim, we place a big focus in KS3 on driving up numeracy through a series of Do Now’s throughout the autumn and spring term of each year. We also aim to develop learners’ functional maths through regular exposure of problems that directly relate to everyday living.
Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FQ1: Are there numbers big enough and small enough to measure everything? FQ2: What are the axioms of arithmetic? FQ3: Could a world without algebra survive? FQ4: Is life fairer because of maths? |
FQ1: Different number systems FQ1: Place value FQ1: Ordering decimals and fractions FQ1: Decimals on a number line FQ1: Converting fractions and decimals FQ2: Properties of associativity, commutativity and distributivity FQ2: Gelosia multiplication including multiplication of decimals FQ2: Mental strategies for division FQ2: Long and short division |
FQ3: Introduction to algebra and key language FQ3: Collecting like terms FQ3: Constructing and solving equations FQ3: Substitution FQ3: Inequalities FQ4: Improper fractions and mixed numbers FQ4: Calculating with fractions FQ4: Fraction of an amount FQ4: Percentage of an amount FQ4: Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
FQ5: Is beauty mathematical? FQ6: What happens below zero? FQ7: Are there different ways to represent integers? FQ8: How can 2D shapes help us to understand 3D shapes? |
FQ5: Rounding FQ5: Classifying shapes FQ5: Rotational and lines of symmetry FQ5: Reflection, Rotation and translation FQ6: Ordering and comparing negative numbers FQ6: Calculations with negative numbers |
FQ7: BIDMAS FQ7: Classifying numbers FQ7: Prime factor decomposition, Highest Common Factor, Lowest Common Multiple FQ8: Finding the area of simple and compound shapes FQ8: Calculating the perimeter FQ8: Surface area and nets FQ8: Volume of prisms |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
FQ9: Are there numbers big and small enough to measure everything? FQ10: How can you create a geometry problem? FQ11: What can shapes tell us about algebra? FQ12: How do you know if you have been given the right share? |
FQ9: Decimal place value and ordering decimals FQ9: Place value FQ9: Standard form representation and calculations FQ10: Measuring and constructing angles FQ10: Basic angle rules FQ10: Corresponding and Alternate angles |
FQ11: Collecting like terms FQ11: Forming expressions for perimeter/area FQ11: Expanding brackets FQ11: Solving up to 3 step equations FQ12: Simplifying ratio FQ12: Sharing in a ratio FQ12: Calculate shares of a ratio given the total or a difference FQ12: Contextual ratio problems |
Year 8
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FQ1 : Is your guess as good as mine? FQ2 : Does enlargment affect length areaand volume in the same way? FQ3 : Can you always predict the next term in a sequence? FQ4 : Can you solve an equation that isn't equal? |
FQ1: Rounding numbers FQ1: Estimating calculations using rounding FQ1: Converting units FQ2: Englargement and similarity FQ2: Area and Volume of Circles and cylinders |
FQ3: Nth term FQ3: Equation of a line FQ3: Graphing linear sequences FQ4: Solving equations FQ4: Representing inequalities on a numberline |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
FQ5 : What is so special about congruent shapes? FQ6 : How many ways are there to solve an equation? FQ7 : Is it possible to draw a journey? FQ8 : How do we describe the relationship between different variables? |
FQ5: Describing and completing transformations FQ5: Similar shapes scale factors FQ5: Constructing triangles FQ6: Expanding brackets FQ6: Factorising expressions FQ6: Solving linear equations |
FQ5: Converting time to decimal and fractional amounts FQ5: Calculating speed FQ5: Distance-time graphs FQ6: Direct proportion FQ6: Inverse proportion FQ6: Dividing into a given ratio |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
FQ9 : Is there always a connection between the number of sides of a shape and the angle inside? FQ10 : Does jail work? FQ11 : What are the chances of winning at 21? FQ12 : How do you decide where to put a fire escape ? |
FQ10: Angle rules FQ10: Angles in parallel lines FQ10: Interior and exterior angles FQ11: Averages and range FQ11: Grouped data |
FQ12: Probability FQ12: Sample space diagrams FQ12: Mutually exclusive events FQ13: Reading scales on maps FQ13: Drawing loci FQ13: Bisecting lines and angles |
Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FQ1: What is a better representation of an amount? FQ2: Is volume always based on area? FQ3: Can you graph a goal? FQ4: What conclusions can you draw from algebra? |
FQ1: Calculating with fractions FQ1: Converting between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages FQ1: Writing recurring decimals as fractions FQ1: Finding proportion of an amount FQ2: Calculating area and perimeter of coumpound shapes FQ2: Calculating circumference and area of a circle FQ2: Volumes of prisms and cylinders FQ2: Volume of non-polyhedra |
FQ3: Real life proportion problems (e.g. recipe problems) FQ3: Abstract proportion problems FQ3: Inverse proportion FQ3: Dividing into a given ratio FQ4: Equation of a straight line FQ4: Calculating and reading gradients FQ4: Plotting linear and quadratic graphs FQ4: Transformation of graphs |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
FQ5: What conclusions can you draw from algebra? FQ6: What does it mean to be fluent in algebra? FQ7: Can a proof be beautiful? FQ8: How do you actually get your bearings? |
FQ5: Finding the length of a line segment FQ5: Finding the midpoint of a line segment FQ5: Parallel and perpendicular lines FQ6: Expanding brackets FQ6: Factorising algebraic expressions FQ6: Solving equations FQ6: Changing the subject of formula FQ6: Solving simultaneous equations |
FQ7: Proof of numerical properties FQ7: Proof of algebraic identities FQ7: Proof of geometric properties FQ7: Proof of congruence FQ8: Angle rules FQ8: Reading and constructing bearings FQ8: Pythagoras with bearings FQ8: Solving complex bearings questions |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
FQ9: How does grouping data affect statistical analysis? FQ10: How many ways are there to represent different outcomes? FQ11: How did Pythagoras discover a deadly ratio? FQ12: Can you solve an equation that isn't equal? |
FQ9: Analysing scatter graphs FQ9: Drawing and interpreting Frequency polygons, Histograms, Cumulative frequency curves and Box plots FQ9: Averages from a table FQ10: Single event probability FQ10: Sample space diagrams FQ10: Two way tables and probability FQ10: Venn diagrams, notation and probability FQ10: Mutually exclusive and Independent events FQ10: Experimental and Theoretical probability |
FQ11: Pythagoras FQ11: History of trigonometry FQ11: Exact values and an introduction to surds FQ12: Sets of values FQ12: Solving inequalities FQ12: Representing inequalities on a number line |
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FQ1: How can we model global population growth? FQ2: How much of Architecture is mathematics? FQ3: Is a quadratic the queen of all equations? |
FQ1: Indicie Laws FQ1: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences FQ1: Solving linear equations FQ1: Standard form FQ1: Exponential growth and decay FQ2: Plans and Elevations FQ2: Isometric drawings FQ2: Loci and constructions |
FQ3: Factorising and solving equations FQ3: Simultaneous equations FQ3: Quadratics sequences FQ3: Plotting graphs |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
FQ4: How did the world around us lead to trigonometry? FQ5: What shortcuts can we use to solve cyclic geometry problems? FQ6: How is a vector similar to a journey? FQ7: What is the best algorithm for finding true love? |
FQ4: Pythagoras Theorem FQ4: Trigonometry FQ4: Bearings FQ5: Angle rules FQ5: Circle Theorems |
FQ6: Vectors FQ7: Solving equations FQ7: Sequences FQ7: Prime factor decompostion, Highest common factors, and Lowest common Multiples FQ7: Basic operations with fractions |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
FQ8: Is there a right way to investigate a hypothesis? FQ9: Do we think in 2 or 3 dimensions? |
FQ8: Sampling FQ8: Averages FQ8: Data representation FQ8: Probability |
FQ9: 3D Pythagoras FQ6: Area and perimeter of sectors FQ6: Surface area and volume problems FQ6: Plans and elevations |
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Foundation: FQ1 - How does number feature in our GCSE exam? Foundation: FQ2 - How can we visualise algebraic problems? Foundation: FQ3 - What does it mean to 'solve' something? Higher: FQ1 - What makes a number irrational? Higher: FQ2 - When is it difficult to get a compund measure right? Higher: FQ3 - How can we visualise algebraic problems? Higher: FQ4 - How does a function function? |
F: Place Value F: Fractions, decimal and percentages F: Laws of Indicies F: HCF and LCM F: Rounding and Estimation F: Compound interest H: Laws of indicies H: Surds H: Recurring Decimals H: Compound Measures H: Bounds H: Arc length and sector area |
F: Expanding and Factorising F: Plotting graphs F: Equation of a straight line F: Changing the subject F: Forming and solving equations F: Inequalities F: Simultaneous equations F: Sequences H: Types of graphs H: Exponential functions H: Area under a curve H: Iteration H: Composite and Inverse functions H: Solving equations |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Foundation: FQ4 - How has the world been shaped over time? Foundation: FQ5 - How can maths help us to solve everyday problems? Foundation: FQ6 - What is a mathematician's favourite shape? Higher: FQ5 - How can maths help us to solve everyday problems? Higher: FQ6 - How do I answer questions where I'm asked to explain something? |
F: Functional problem solving H: Fractions, Decimals and percentages H: Simple and compound interest H: Functional graphs |
F: Area and perimeter F: Volume and Surface area F: Transformations F: Trigonometry H: Proof H: Circle Theorems H: Congruency |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision | Exams |
Year 12
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
How do you get to the roots of an equation? How are models of growth and decay related? What can we draw from an equation? Why are there multiple solutions to trig equations? How do computers accurately estimate large powers of numbers? Can samples of weather tell us about long term trends? |
Algebraic Methods Indices, Exponentials, Logarithms |
Coordinate Geometry Trigonometry Binomial Theorem Statistics |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
How accurately can mathematics predict black swan events? What can calculus tell us about a function? How many different ways are there to represent a vector? What is the maths behind motion? How might an understanding of forces help a sportsperson succeed? |
Probability Introduction to calculus |
Vectors Kinematics Forces |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
How many ways are there to write a fraction? What makes a stand out function? What can we model with trigonometry? |
Partial fractions Functions Trigonometry |
Revision End of year exams |
Year 13
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
What can we model with trigonometry? Is it possible to differentiate everything? How does maths get you to the moon? How does integration relate to differentiation? How do you prove something by contradiction? How do statisticians test for correlation? When does the future depend on the past? How can we model the height of a population? How can an infinite sum have a finite answer? |
Trigonometry Differentiation/Parametric Numerical methods Integration |
Proof Statistics Sequences and Series |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
How can integration help us model the world? How many ways can you balance a pencil? How does an engineer design a stable structure? What is the kinematics behind cricket? What can vectors tell us about scalars? |
Integration Moments Kinematics |
Vectors Revision Mock Exams |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision | Exams |