Why do we learn Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education (PSHE)?
Our broad and balanced PSHE & RSE curriculum programme builds on knowledge throughout all key stages which in turn deepens pupils understanding of themselves and creates reflective and independent learners thus empowering pupils and having an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged students. This will enable them to leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life to be successful, active, healthy and happy citizens. Our holistic programme is implemented through tutor time, PSHE and also through additional events such as careers events, apprenticeship events and assemblies programme.
Ark Academy’s PSHE curriculum aligns with the PSHE Association’s guidance, ensuring high standards. We utilise resources provided by ‘Life Lessons’ where needed as part of our commitment to high quality resources.
Head of Department
Mr O'Carroll
Our approach
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum sets out to develop students’ attributes such as curiosity, independence, resilience, self-esteem, risk management, teamwork, critical thinking, knowledge and awareness through three main themes; health and wellbeing, relationships (RSE) and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education). The relationships & sex and health aspects of our curriculum are in line with the recent statutory requirements. The relationships & sex and health aspects of our curriculum are in line with statutory requirements.
The PSHE curriculum is designed as a spiralled programme, where key themes are revisited each year with increasing complexity. For example, the concept of relationships is introduced as peer interactions in Year 7, progressing to romantic relationships by Year 9, and covering healthy sexual relationships and consent in the senior years. This ensures students are well-prepared for the emotional and social challenges of each developmental stage.
At Ark Academy, we value the non-academic side of learning as much as the academic. Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic education is critical to how we ensure that our mission is achieved. We aim for “every child to go to further education – or the career of their choice – and play a full role in our democratic society”. The aims of the curriculum are supported by our key value: Civitas. This underpins notions of kindness, care for others, being part of a wider society and keeping ourselves safe.
Year 1
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Differences
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
Year 2
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Differences
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
Year 3
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Differences
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
Year 4
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Difference
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
Year 5
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Difference
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
Year 6
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Being Me
Celebrating Difference
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Changing Me
The first theme is ‘Health, Safety and Wellbeing’. This aims to help students keep safe by making them aware of the dangers facing them in areas such as drugs, knife crime, and online harms, developing their ability to make the right choices, their knowledge of how to seek support for themselves and others. Guidance on keeping mentally and physically healthy is developed by providing information and encouraging discussion of real scenarios and choices in lessons.
The second theme is ‘Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)’. PSHE & RSE will provide students with the knowledge and skills to make appropriate, safe and legal choices around relationships and sexual activity, and to make students aware of issues around identity, gender and sexuality. The concepts of healthy and unhealthy relationships feature throughout the curriculum with a key focus on consent.
The third theme is ‘Living in The Wider World’. This aims to develop students’ knowledge and skills around global issues, looking at issues around the economy and financial well-being, and the work of local charities and groups in the community. Students are empowered to become informed and active citizens who know how democracy operates and how the UK is governed, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, are interested in volunteering and the charitable sector, and can manage their money effectively.
PSHE also contributes to our extensive careers education provision [CEAIG], developing students’ knowledge and skills that will help them make informed, ambitious and appropriate choices at the end of each key stage: choosing KS4 options, applying to sixth form or college, applying to university, to employment or apprenticeships. It supports them in making high quality applications for these destinations, developing their skills for the careers market of the future.
Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Transitioning to Secondary School | Identity [Being Me] |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Community & Diversity | Health Influeneces & Body Awareness |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Independence & personal Safety | MoneySense [Financial Decision making] |
Year 8
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Building Positive Relationships | Relationships: Friendships and Romatic Relationships |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Citizenship & Social Action [First Give Competition] | Citizenship & Social Action [First Give Competition] |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Emotional Wellbeing | Healthy Lifestyle & Risk Management [First Aid] |
Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Year 9 Transition: Changes in Life, Mental helth 7 wellbeing | Identity: Peer pressure, Exploitation & Knife Crime |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Ark Ambitions: GCSE Pathways & Choices | Community: Discrimination, racism and Prejudice |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Health & Body Awareness [Body Image, Baduy Changes, and Consent] | Indepdedance: safety, First Aid & healthy Choices |
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Relationships: Civil parnerships, Marriage, Parenting, Families, Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships inc. abusive relationships and sexual violence | Relationships: Civil parnerships, Marriage, Parenting, Families, Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships inc. abusive relationships and sexual violence |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Relationships [Consent & Sexual Harrasement] | Bias, Extremism & Radicalisation |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Wellbeing: Rights, Media Influence, mental Wellbeing & Addiction | Ark Ambitions [Educational Pathways & Post 16 Options] |
All Year 10 subjects Next Year 10 Subject - Design Technology
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Yr11 Transition: Adulthood & Self-Worth. | Ark Ambitions [Informed Choices at Post-16] |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Identity: Identity & Mental Health [Gender Norms and Gender indentity] | Healthy Lifestyle: Body Awareness, Body Image, Consent & sexual Health |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Effective Study Skills & GCSE Revision |
All Year 11 subjects Next Year 11 Subject - Design Technology
Year 12
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Transition to Sixth Form Personal Finance [Systems for Life] |
Vision for the future & Activism [Community & Causes] |
ring 1 | Spring 2 |
Healthy Relationships and Emotional Maturity | Personal safety [Drugs, Alcohol & Addiction] |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Work Readiness [Living in the Wider World] | Independent revision & UCAS Preperation |
All Year 12 subjects Next Year 12 Subject - Business Studies
Year 13
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Personal Safety | Work Readiness |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Difficult Relationships [Abuse, Bullying & Harassment] |
Effective revision habits Health Awareness & Support [FGM, Body Awareness & STIs] |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Preparing for University Study Skills and Independent Revision |
All Year 13 subjects Next Year 13 Subject - Business Studies